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"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food"

Nutritional therapy is the science-based, holistic approach to natural healing.

Rather than using pharmaceuticals to treat symptoms of illness, nutritional therapy delves deeper, to identify and address the root cause of disease. 


By rectifying imbalances and providing the ideal environment for healing, amazing things can happen to improve your physical and mental health. 

Practitioners can help those with chronic conditions regain health and vitality. Working collaboratively with medical professionals, nutritional therapists can optimise health whilst clients are undergoing medical treatment. 

Nutritional therapy is useful for supporting life stages such as preparing for pregnancy, post-natal health, menopause, and beyond.

Optional functional testing helps identify the root cause of symptoms. Renowned UK laboratories can investigate bloodwork, genetics, parasites, hormonal balance, gut health, autoimmune status and much more. Accurate results enable the practitioner to provide a targeted plan.  

Nutritional Therapy and Mental Health

The connection between nutrition and mental health is widely accepted. Research provides evidence of the 'gut-brain connection', a direct communication link between the brain and gastro-intestinal system. These organs constantly exchange signals along what is known as the gut-brain axis; think about when you have felt nervous and experienced butterflies in the stomach, or felt anxious and lost your appetite, or even smelled a delicious meal and felt hungry as a result. Our gut and brain share many of the same neurotransmitters - chemical messengers that can control our feelings. Some of these neurotransmitters are made in the gut, therefore it follows that if our gut health is poor, then we may experience mood swings or mental ill-health such as depression and anxiety. The gut is an amazing place containing a microbiome full of bacteria and for optimal health and wellbeing we need to nurture a well-balanced microbiome. Nutritional therapy can help identify and rectify imbalances, to promote natural healing and a reduction of symptoms. 

Nutritional therapy can help:

  • sleep issues

  • hormonal imbalances

  • male and female fertility

  • gut and digestive health

  • weight maintenance

  • low mood, anxiety, and stress management

  • lack of energy

  • metabolic health

  • cardiovascular health

  • pain and inflammation

  • skin issues, allergies or intolerances

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